Tinder Bio Serious Relationship

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Tinder Bio Serious Relationship

My Mom thinks I'm pretty cool, I'm sure you'll too. If you just can’t bring yourself to stoop to the level. Tindr was started as a hook-up app. It’s a way to find casual sex partners. It got a lot of attention when Olympic athletes were using it at the games for hook ups in the Olympic village they were staying at, and the media found out. His date was looking for a serious relationship. This may sound cruel, but it’s the harsh reality for many people on Tinder. Of course, a hookup sometimes turns into a beautiful, long-lasting marriage. And a relationship type sometimes just wants a one night stand But those make up only a small percentage of the overall picture.

Making a Tinder profile sucks when you don’t know how to start.

That’s why we’ve collected our best tips, ideas, and examples for Tinder bios and Tinder profiles that work.

The reason these Tinder bio templates and profile tips work is because the best Tinder profiles spark curiosity. They are bids for conversation.

Rather than trying to pack in your whole life story, you want to keep your bio brief yet specific. This will give you the best chance of attracting and chatting with matches (where the real getting-to-know-you is done).

That said, let’s check out some brief and intriguing Tinder bio ideas with examples for men and women.

1. Two truths and a lie

Here’s an easy Tinder bio template that quickly asserts that you’re interesting and clever, and would be a fun +1 to game night. Someone who’s more passive on Tinder or doesn’t like to initiate convos just might start chatting with you to figure out the lie.


Jason, 25
Two truths & a lie…
I was a Gerber baby. I once won a regional hot dog eating competition. Chrissy Teigen used my banana bread recipe on her secret food blog.

Ashley, 23
2 truths and a lie…
I’m double jointed. My cat is in an extremely popular meme. I was bitten by a dolphin in Maui.

Note how specific these Tinder profile facts are. That’s for good reason. Consider this example:

I love TV shows.” Sure, this statement will technically be true for a good chunk of Tinderites. But as part of a Tinder profile, it doesn’t really say anything about you. It’s such a common profile line, people probably skim right past it.

I love binge watching Battlestar Galactica.” Okay, we’re warming up. You can start to get a feel for this person. While this may be a slight turn off for some people who hate sci-fi, it’s going to be a huge turn on for someone with this shared interest, or at least someone who wants a little more nerd in their life.

Probable Cylon.” HOT! The only people who will get this subtle reference are those who are also super into this show, or intrigued by you enough to Google it. This is a smaller group than would agree with “I love TV shows”, but you’re much more likely to match with someone on your level. It also lowkey shows you’re not despo enough to try appealing to the masses with an ultra-thirsty generalized Tinder profile.

Honestly, specific references will usually read as hotter and more interesting even if they go completely over the reader’s head.

2. Songs that describe your life

“I love music” just doesn’t cut it anymore (did it ever?). What song gives you goosebumps? What makes you LOL every time you hear it? You can use this Tinder profile bio format a couple different ways — either to show a bit of humor, or more sincerely share an anthem you hold dearly. You could even just include some obscure song lyrics to attract the select few who are also obsessed with Shabazz Palaces.


Aarav, 31
Song that sums up my life:
Hand in my Pocket (Alanis gets me)

Leanna, 27
Songs that describe my life:
👌 God is a woman by Ariana Grande
👌 Titanium by David Guetta
👌 White and Nerdy by Weird Al

3. In the zombie apocalypse, I’d be the one…

You can share so much about your personality without just listing out your interests. You’re engaging with someone new and exciting! Break the ice with a fun game via your Tinder profile like “In the zombie apocalypse” that makes people want to respond in the same lighthearted tone.


Michael, 33
In the event of a zombie apocalypse…
I’d immediately steal the Egyptian presidential yacht. Load it up with tater tots and Missy Elliot records. Take it out to the middle of the Pacific and get my tan on. Life’s short anyway, I want to go out in style.

Dee, 29
In the zombie apocalypse, I’d be the first one to be bitten. Have you seen zombies? They’re glorified hipsters, and never in my life have I been able to resist a hipster.

4. I’ve always known… / I’m still surprised…

Looking for someone who shares your values? This Tinder bio format is a great way to allude to your beliefs or worldview in a positive way. No one wants to read a bio with a list of “deal breakers” or feel your bitterness about online dating with lines like “I don’t message first.” Tinder can be a frustrating and soul-sucking experience, but leading with negativity in your Tinder profile makes people think you’re going to be a bummer to hang out with.

Tinder Bio Serious RelationshipRelationship


Steve, 30
I’ve always known I’d be a boarder.
I’m surprised how often I still fall on my ass.

Jessica, 25
I’ve always known the secret to happiness is gratitude. I’m still always surprised and humbled by how much I have in my life to be grateful for!

5. Pros and cons

This is for my Type A-ers out there who can’t resist a good ol’ pros vs cons list, even in Tinder profiles. Pro tip: grab an honest friend to help with these if you’re too awesome a specimen to come up with any cons. 😉


Peter, 34
Pro: loves dogs
Con: will spoon dog instead of you

Pro: makes a mean guac
Con: doesn’t know how to make anything other than guac

Pro: can carry a tune
Con: will burst into song in public settings

Anika, 30
-Excellent trivia partner
-Will split the check
-Owns a DJ roomba

-Unabashed jaywalker
-Held together by a team of specialists
-Hates pizza

6. Describe yourself using only emojis

❓+ 🔥 = 😍

Pique their interest wordlessly. Emojis can be interpreted in many different ways, so describing yourself with them in your Tinder profile leads to follow-up questions (you want this!).


Kevin, 28
‍‍💤 🍷 🌮 ⚽ 🍕 🍳 🎸 ⛳ 🚣

Our first date: 💃, 🍻, 🍜, or 🎬?

Cordy, 30
✌ 🐢 🍑 🎨 🎮 🎻 📚 🔬 🍩

7. Unpopular opinions

Are you a bit sassy or provocative? Relish in a good-natured debate? Sharing unpopular opinions in your Tinder bio is the best way to spark the convos you enjoy without being downright disagreeable.


Pat, 29
Unpopular opinions:

Dogs are overrated.
The empire did nothing wrong.
Cards Against Humanity is boring and lazy.
Burger King fries > McDonalds fries.

Maxine, 27
Unpopular opinions…

-Your baby is not that cute.
-Jim and Pam are manipulative and cruel.
-Sitting in traffic is more stress relieving than sex.

8. Favorite things

Get as specific as you can with your Tinder profile bio. The way to take your list of faves from drab to rad is avoid overdone, generic interests. What really excites you? What are you nervous makes you sound too nerdy? Share those things.


Ravi, 29
Sushi, not working out, Bo Burnham, pineapple upside down cake, haunted houses, Childish Gambino, Overwatch

Sara, 24
I could never give up mint chocolate chip ice cream (Breyers, preferably), chick lit,
musical theater, or Jeopardy.

9. Would you rather

This Tinder bio template may seem like it shares nothing about you. Look closer.

You can reveal you’re clever, imaginative, thoughtful, silly, sweet. And above all, you immediately show that you care more about being attentive and listening to another person’s ideas than talking about yourself. This is SEXY. Lemme say that again…listening is SEXY AF. Be sexy, my peeps.


Paul, 23
Would you rather be able to eat anything you want and not get fat or be well rested on one hour of sleep?

Shelly, 25
Would you rather
be able to converse with all animals
be fluent in all (human) languages?

10. Obscure skills

Can you fit your whole fist in your mouth? Does your chest always tell you when it’s going to rain?

I guarantee Tinder folk want to hear about those mad weird skills in your Tinder profile bio. I do.


Jared, 29
I can do a better Gollum impression than Andy Serkis.

Exceptional magic skills, specifically sleight of hand.

Liz, 27
Extremely accurate snowball thrower.

My cord management is both
compulsive and flawless.

I can touch my nose with my tongue.

11. Most likely…/Least likely…

This is a fun way to reclaim the “greatest strength and weakness” job interview question that makes all of us lose sleep for days (why did I say my biggest weakness is chocolate?!?). You can present your daring side, your adorably embarrassing tendencies. Remember, your goal here is to ignite interest. You can leave “just looking for a partner in crime” Tinder bios for people way less cool than you.


Eric, 22
Most likely to try questionable street meat.
Least likely to go to sleep at a reasonable time.

Elena, 24
Most likely to buy tchotchkes on Amazon while drunk.
Least likely to win at Mario Kart.

NOTE: Even the most 🔥🔥🔥 bio can’t make up for bad pics…

If your pics are blah, it’s game over.

People only even read a person’s Tinder bio after already liking their pics.

The best solution out there: test your pics on Photofeeler.

Photofeeler tells you exactly how your Tinder photos are coming across to women or men. Choosing profile pics this way has been known to increase matches on Tinder by 200-400%.

Go to Photofeeler.com now and give it a try!

Most Tinder users agree that a profile bio is a key factor, determining whether potential suitors will write to you or not. Typically, guys and girls are looking for a hook to start a conversation exactly in an About Me section. In this article, you will know not only how to make an attractive Tinder bio, but how to leave an appealing icebreaker in your self-description to encourage them for communication.

But before, let’s find out the types of Tinder Bios. Actually, they fall into the next categories:

  1. Simple tinder bios
  2. Good tinder bios
  3. Creative tinder bios
  4. Funny tinder bios
  5. Witty tinder bios

Simple Tinder Bio Examples

Short self-descriptions or simple bio are generally found on Tinder. Of course, most information about a person remains in the background, and a short bio does not always allow one to hook on communication. But I prepared a pack of simplest (and shortest), yet very effective Tinder Bios that will help you tell a story about yourself.

Example #1

Mary, 30

Love my life, join me ?

What I like:

? Las Vegas




? learning new languages

? meeting new people

Adam, 24

Looking for some positive moments, adventures and fun ?

Tennis ? ? books ? traveling ✈️ hanging out ?? journalism ? skiing ?

Tips: Including some Emoji into the list of your hobbies allows profile viewers to instantly know about your lifestyle without reading a long self-description. Note: if you have many interests in life, do not enumerate them all, but mention just some of them and not more than 7 – nobody wants to waste time on long and boring reading!

Very often I noticed that profiles look like sets of random words or just piles of unrelated tags. However, a profile in Tinder has nothing to do with pictures on Instagram, under which you need to put as many tags as possible to reach to the audience. This trick simply doesn’t work on Tinder.

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Example #2

Bella, 25

Explorer, dreamer, idealist. Someone interesting??

Looking also for a travel companion??

Sam, 30

I am cheerful, sociable, and with a very fine sense of humor ?

I hope to find a serious relationship here. ?

Tips: These short descriptions provide an immediate answer to two major questions: “Who am I?” and “What goal do I pursue here?”

What I would like to add from the first example is hobbies. In my opinion, then it would be a very bright Tinder bio.

Good Tinder Bio Examples

I saw a good many of different Tinder bios, and now I can distinguish 3 main principles that would help you compose an effective and appealing Tinder profile. Therefore, I want to ask only three questions to help you sketch out a good Tinder bio, while real-user profile examples will serve you to complete the missing details in your own About Me part:

  1. What do you value in people, in life, and what do you value in yourself? – Here you can speak about the traits of character, positive habits, things that inspire/delight you, etc.
  2. What are your hobbies? – Mention here your favorite amusements which can keep you busy for hours without a break or things that delight you most.
  3. What is your goal? It helps your interlocutor understand what kind of person you are looking for on Tinder, thus, saving the time of you both. Are you searching for a friendship, serious relationship, virtual communication or a cool company to hang out with?

Example #3

Kate, 25

Did you ever meet someone when you can talk for hours and lose track of time?

I’m not looking for a relationship or 1-night thing. I’m looking for a great person to enjoy an evening together ?

I love chocolate, coffee, books, long walks, sincere conversations

My favorite movie is The Green Mile

Tinder Bio Serious Relationship

My favorite band is Coldplay

The day when I get a dog will be the happiest day of my life.

Alex, 25

Adore everything new, interesting, and exciting. Cannot imagine my life without entertainments and having fun. I believe that all happening to us is not by accident. Everything is interconnected in this world.

Psychology, science, and art are what helps me to learn the outside world and myself.

Travelling, adventures, extreme sports are also an integral part of me, but I like watching and admiring extreme sports rather than doing it ?

Would like to find a smart girl with a proactive attitude with non-banal views and beaten interests.

Example #4

Helen 27

I never stop improving myself and appreciate this quality in people!)

I think that the environment plays the most important role in one’s life because it, in particular, influences the way we think, and, in general, determines our worldviews. That’s why I prefer to communicate with people who can keep an interesting conversation flowing.

I have my own goals and I strive to achieve them)) It’s important for me to find a man whom I will be inspiring to reach more together, to enjoy life, and build a close-knit family!

Mike, 26

? Life and know the value of time, both mine and people’s around me.

Adore walking in the fresh and admiring beautiful panoramas ?

? Books and dogs

185 cm tall

I would like to meet: a merry, cute, and sociable girl with an excellent sense of humor who needs only a couple of funny stories and a delicious latte to feel good. ☕

Cycling adds +100 Karma points

Example #5

Anna, 25

Like traveling, reading, photography, surfing, walking and ocean ?

French music, grilled tomatoes and red wine ?

Believe in karma, love, peace and happiness?

Looking for long term relationship ❤️

Chris, 27

Speak 4 languages, love travels, nice food and wine. I am interested in architecture, art and history (I am little bit historical nerd but it’s very helpful during travels) + also, like books, cinema and tv-series.

Generally, I am an easy-going, seems like smart guy with a sense of humor who doesn’t mind to meet here someone for chatting, friendship or maybe something more.


Tips: In my opinion, the “values + interests + goal” formula is the quickest way to success, because you do not waste time on the app but find precisely those people who have similar interests and views of life.

Good Tinder bio lines help you understand what kind of person you are dealing with and what goals they pursue: to found a family in future, to meet a person for long-lasting relationships or just to find someone to chat with.

If standard Tinder Bio stories seem boring to you, or you would like to stand out of thousands of profiles and break trivial patterns, then try to think outside the box and create a really attention-grabbing self-description.

Example #6

Kris, 19

I’m looking here for a guy to communicate on Tinder for a whole year. In the meantime, we will get so many followers on Twitter as nobody did before. People will repost our conversations, and our names will be the most popular hashtags on social networks. Our ultimate goal will be to get on the main page of Buzzfeed with an article telling about how we met. When the whole world knows about us, Tinder managers will offer to sponsor our wedding, and accompanied by the R. Kelly – I believe I can fly song, we will go for a honeymoon trip.

James, 24

My perfect date night is when I pick you up in my car. You start thinking: “it’s so dangerous to get into a stranger’s car…” But you love danger and speedy drive, that’s why you will get in.

We will go to a posh restaurant and have a fantastic candlelight dinner. Then we come outside and see my car is on fire.

You will say: “Oh God, James, your car is on fire! What are we going to do now???” And I will look into your beautiful eyes and kiss you passionately, in front of my burning car.

What To Put For Tinder Bio Guy

Tips: A creative profile has a 100% chance to draw much attention of potential matches, because, according to my estimations, such bios are very rare, say one in 300 profiles. This means that even if you spend an extra hour inventing something really extraordinaire, you will finally sell yourself effectively. Moreover, it could happen that your story would make it to the front page of Buzzfeed!

What Should A Man Put In His Tinder Bio

Funny Tinder Bio Examples

Having a funny, joyful, humorous bio is a fad on Tinder today. First, many people register on Tinder just for fun. Second, funny Tinder bios set for a positive perception of the acquaintance process. Third, such biographical profiles help build easy and pleasurable communication.

Example #7

Karen, 27

I’m looking for a handsome guy only to have beautiful kids. I do not do it for myself, but for my children solely.

John, 25

A lonely blonde man, 187 cm tall, with large green eyes, Apollo body, and a pleasant tenor voice sells kitties cheaply 🙂

Example #8

Mary, 24

Love intrigues and adventures.

Eating pizza must be the second thing you like doing in bed.

Thomas, 22

My T-shirt looks like a T-shirt of your next boyfriend.

Tips: A hilarious Tinder bio proves that you have a good sense of humor, which is always welcome on Tinder. A funny self-description brings out positive emotions in a person who reads it, prompting him or her to start a conversation. Users will write to you first in 5 out of 10 cases if your bio makes them crack a smile.

Witty Tinder Bios

For many, witty bios might look difficult to comprehend. Even if you use a statement of some famous person or a quote from your favorite movie in your bio, people may still not understand what you mean by telling that. Here are just some examples of such quotations:

  1. What a pleasure it is to be alone! And what a pleasure it is when there is someone to tell what a pleasure it is to be alone…
  2. A good man is as strong as his woman needs him to be strong.
  3. A real woman does not agree the first time. A real man never offers twice.

Tips: My experiences show that witty bios are not as effective as funny. This is due to the fact that the Tinder app originally was designed for dating, and the easier it is to start a conversation, the quicker the results. And what can be better than having fun together?

You, probably, often notice that Tinder users are reluctant to open a conversation. It is a common situation when they do not have any self-description and single selfie. How to start a conversation in such a case? Only banal “Hello” comes to mind.

That’s why I found a very simple, yet very effective way to help Tinder users take the first step in communication – an open-end question in your Tinder bio! When users study your profile and notice such a question, it will work like a prompt to communication.

Example #9

Margo, 20

I’m a kind, sociable and curious girl ? I decided to learn Spanish without tutors and I succeed so far! ?? Doesn’t it prove that I’m dedicated, too? ?

I dream of playing the major role in a drama theater. And what is your dream? ?

Mike, 23

I love reading and traveling. Open to new acquaintances. I prefer real-world communication to long online chatting. Next time, I’m going to Miami and where would you like to go?

Tips: Seldom did I meet Tinder bios with open-ended questions, so that it was quite a challenge to detect such profiles. There is another trick that works – you can periodically change a question in your bio. And most important: you can ask such questions which encourage your readers to act. For example, “Let’s go to the movies for a premier tonight?”, “Would you like to go to a skating-rink?”, “What about cycling?” or “Let’s have a picnic out of town?” By doing so, you propose to spend time together nicely and increase your chances to find like-minded people, too.

Bottom Line

Don’t be afraid of experimenting with your Tinder bio, and then you will find the perfect concept that would suit your lifestyle, goals, and interests. Based on my observations, exactly creative Tinder bios and funny Tinder bios are the most popular with the users of this dating app. Practice shows that creative or funny Tinder bios produce a positive impression about your personality, which means that your profile will receive Likes or Superlikes much oftener.